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Well, it finally happened. The rights to the Evangelion movies were purchased by Manga Entertainment. Perhaps they'll do a better job with the translations than ADV did. For more information on that, see my rant page. I could carry on more, but hey...
SCORPIO: October 23 - November 21
You are shrewd in business and cannot be trusted. You achieve the pinnacle of success because of your total lack of ethics. Most Scorpios are murdered.
Don't bother asking about Utena. If you don't have the DVD of the first 7 episodes yet, SHAME ON YOU!!Dead Opera Star!!! ( which has nothing to do with RGU ) is a great song by Sparklehorse. If any of you mp3 gurus that are interested in the various anime themes I have on my PC, look me up on ICQ or Napster. Napster Ident: Tyrion_Lannister .

Reach me on ICQ at 8472093.
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